Studie zum Binnenmarkt der Europäischen Union


The ongoing European integration has increased the economic growth of participating national economies. Calculating the cumulative gains in the real gross domestic product per capita resulting from the integration of Europe between 1992 and 2012, every national economy under consideration realized income gains from the European integration. Denmark and Germany saw the greatest gains per resident. If the values from only 1992 and 2012 are compared, every country except for Greece has been able to achieve a higher per capita income due to the European Integration.



STUDY: 20 years of European Single Market (DE)


Media Coverage – Selection:

“EU-Binnenmarkt: Deutschland profitiert am meisten”
Merkur, 07/28/2014

“Dänemark und Deutschland größte Profiteure des EU-Binnenmarkts
FAZ, 07/28/2014

“Kaum einer profitiert so von der EU wie Deutschland”
Die Welt, 07/28/2014

“Denmark, Germany benefit most from European integration: study”
Global Post (USA), 07/28/2014

“Österreich unter größten EU-Binnenmarktprofiteuren”
Kronenzeitung (Austria), 07/28/2014

“Los miedos al acuerdo de libre comercio”
La Vanguardia (Spain), 07/28/2014

“Dänemark und Deutschland grösste Profiteure des EU-Binnenmarkts”
NZZ (Switzerland), 07/28/2014

“Niemcy wielkim wygranym unijnej integracji. Zyskali 450 euro rocznie na głowę”
TVN24 (Poland), 07/28/2014

“Le Danemark et l’Allemagne premiers bénéficiaires du marché intérieur européen” (Belgium), 07/28/2014