TTIP is seemingly breathing its last breath and President Donald Trump declared the US’ official withdrawal from TPP. Are mega-regional trade agreements at an end then? Not quite. Nowadays many experts are looking at the trade deal negotiations between the EU and Japan to set a renewed signal against protectionism and for free trade among the global economic community.  


Thank you for joining us on Wednesday, 29 March 2017 for our successful GED Virtual Roundtable on the effects of an EU-Japan free trade agreement. Dr. Christian Bluth and Dr. Cora Jungbluth from the Global Economic Dynamics (GED) team will presented the key findings of our new study “On the Economics of an EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement“. Afterwards, Dr. Axel Berkofsky, Gianni Mazzocchi Fellow at the University of Pavia, Italy and Senior Associate Research Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), Milan, Italy discussed the role of the agreement with regards to the broader relationship between the EU and Japan.


The interactive online session provided an overview of the economic effects of the EU-Japan trade deal and potential implications for EU-Japan relations.


Specifically, we focussed on the following questions:


  • What is the current state of negotiations between the EU and Japan?
  • How would a shallow/deep trade deal affect GDP, bilateral trade volumes and sectoral value-added in the EU and Japan?
  • Which role does the agreement play for the relations between the two economic powers?
  • Which are the prospects for future negotiations?


You can view a recording of this webinar, simply by clicking the video above.