A new book by Dr. Christian Bluth, Senior Expert at the Bertelsmann Stiftung, looks at the EU, China, and the US Competing in the Face of the Global Megatrends of Climate, Technology, and Demographic Change.

As the EU is preparing the launch of its new official EU trade strategy, Christian Bluth is launching his own book on the future of EU trade. This book takes a long and interdisciplinary view: It first asks what we know about the political and non-political megatrends that will shape the world for the next two decades.

The challenges – climate change, technological change, demographic shifts, not to mention populism and protectionism – are manifold. Yet, none is as pressing as the increased use of geoeconomic tools in the big power competition between the US and China.

Feel free to watch the book’s launch event video. The main themes of the book will be introduced by

Dr. Christian Bluth

Senior Expert for Globalization, International Economics and Trade Policy

Bertelsmann Stiftung

followed by a commentary by

Ignacio Garcia Bercero

Director for Strategy and Multilateral Affairs

DG Trade, European Commission

Katharina Gnath, Senior Project Manager in Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Programme, Europe’s Future, will moderate the discussion following the two speakers’ conversation.


The book “Europe’s Trade Strategy for the Age of Geoeconomic Globalisation,” published by CEPR, will be available as an e-book free of charge after the event at https://voxeu.org/content/europe-s-trade-strategy-age-geoeconomic-globalisation