The Royal Danish Embassy in Berlin and the Bertelsmann Stiftung, in collaboration with the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ Dossier), cordially invite you to the following event:

Soft Power in a Tough World: EU Elections and European Responses in Challenging Times

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
18:15 – 21:00
Royal Danish Embassy, Rauchstraße 1, 10787 Berlin, Germany.

Join us for a discussion on the key challenges currently facing the EU and the role that the future European Parliament should play in overcoming them. Europe must respond to questions about its ability to ensure its own security, its capacity to uphold democratic principles, and its agility to react to the results of an uncertain election in a vital ally across the Atlantic. We will ask our distinguished speakers how the EU can step up to a tougher geopolitical environment, and what kind of Parliament is needed to strengthen Brussel’s position?

Additionally, we will examine the particular role of Denmark and larger member states like Germany in unifying the EU to face these key challenges, especially if the upcoming European elections on June 9th lead to an increase in political fragmentation in the Parliament.


18:15 Welcome speech by

  • Mathias Irminger Sonne, Head of Public Diplomacy Department, Royal Danish Embassy.

18:20 – 19:20 Panel discussion:

  • Daniela Schwarzer, Member of the Executive Board, Bertelsmann Stiftung
  • Marlene Wind, Professor, Director, Centre for European Politics, University of Copenhagen
  • Nicolai von Ondarza, Head of Reserach Division EU/Europe, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

Moderated by Isabell Hoffmann, Senior Expert European Integration, Bertelsmann Stiftung.

19:20 – 19:30 First reaction by

  • Florian Eder, Head of Süddeutsche Zeitung Dossier

19:30 – 19:40 Q&A

19:40 – 21:00 Reception with buffet and drinks


Please follow this link in order to accept the invitation.

ATTENTION: With this general link you first will have to pre-register and enter your personal data to proceed and register for the event in the next step.

The event will be held in English.

Practical Information:

  • Admittance starts at 17:30.
  • Please note that security checks will be conducted, and bags will be inspected.
  • Kindly present a photo ID and your confirmation of participation as provided by email.