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Samuel George

Project Manager

Bertelsmann Foundation


Samuel George joined the Bertelsmann Foundation in 2012 to develop a Latin America/Western Hemisphere portfolio for the Bertelsmann Foundation’s Global Economic Dynamics project.

Highlights of his work include the introduction of the "Pacific Pumas" concept, which relates to the advancements and opportunities of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. His study on the subject has since been presented in Washington, DC, Berlin and Madrid, and has been referenced in the Financial Times and The Economist.

Samuel manages the Bertelsmann Foundation’s strategic cooperation with the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, a collaboration that led to the joint study Brazil and Germany: A 21st-Century Relationship, Opportunities in Trade, Investment and Finance. His subsequent work on Brazil includes the recently published study Five Steps to Kickstart Brazil, co-authored with Cornelius Fleischhaker of the World Bank


Samuel has also focused on Latin American debt dynamics, beginning with his 2013 study Surviving a Debt Crisis: Five Lessons for Europe from Latin America. More recently, he has collaborated with the Organization of American States to develop a Caribbean-led strategy for debt reduction and economic re-balancing, and he has analyzed the Argentine debt-restructuring case.

As part of the Global Economic Dynamics team, Samuel co-managed the team’s efforts to build an interactive Web-based presentation that brings data to life.


